...With every "Wave of Lives"...Let's Glide along Wisely and Happily...

Sometimes we find..how fantastic our life is...thanks God that we’ve been born a human...

But in some other times we experience some hectic moments...God, let me disappear right now!

You'd never imagine how many times we must have to get through those moments...

Anyway, that’s how life goes...

In the World Today where nothing seems unknowable... and herewith all those “Moments of Truth” that’s been lingering in mind... having been newly organized & crystallized clear...i’ll portray them all here! in this site.

Let’s have a good look! & Hope to see your wisdom smile!

Don’t Miss!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Let's Talk About Traveling

Don’t you ever doubt that Human might have an innate traveling  gene?
Do you like travel? I bet you do. Lots of people like traveling... and i’d like to assume that almost all human race like it. Think about our ancestor who migrated from Africa and travel to various places all over the World. How come the discovery of lots of Continents like America, Asia or the North & South Poles, if not because our ancestors like traveling...? 
Notice that throughout the history of human kinds, since the Homo Sapiens until today, there’re full of human movements or migrations & travelings in various manners or purposes; such travels like today are performed in the name of “Tourism”, mostly.
Have you ever felt curious why such a lot of people happen to feel fond of the same habit or hobbies... like traveling? Each year there’re almost 1,000 millions of people traveling around the World in the name of “tourist”. (World Tourism Organization, 2008). Why?
That’s because people love traveling! Nothing can beat it! I guarantee!
OK, there might be someone who don’t like... too lazy to scuffle...love spending time peacefully at home... or lying down reading books or watching TV etc.. 
But I still would like to see how they react when being on the way for traveling to beautiful places... (Like in the photos I put here).
A few days ago, I found an interesting news about a research study on which the Speed Gene in Horse have been identified. I started to think what if they find out that human beings have innate traveling gene....., that means people will never stop traveling... no matter what ever will happen in the future... like our World might run out of petrol gas or fossil fuel! don’t bother, people would eventually be able to find the way to keep on traveling all along... like our ancestors did... like sailing... hiking etc..
Then...tourism would surely be a very sustainable business of the world; tourism will last as long as human race still exist on earth, not extinct (sound a bit scary!).
Don’t you think so?

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